
Mr. V. Ravi, the Co-Founder of the company – spear heading the organisation with his Techno-Commercial knowledge combined with vast experience in Media and industrial products over the past four decades, has served many industries – in the capacities as Advisor, Consultant & whole time Director.

Also Adviser to Apex bodies, Member of various Chambers of Commerce and closely associated with the industries.

Currently doing programs – exclusively on Logistics related subjects to facilitate the Management of the companies to make use of their personnel to an optimum level!

Organized seminars by associating with Supply Chain Institutes like SMI, Germany and others. And very successful in getting the Logistics Fraternity as a close knit family with his innovative programs and support extended to them, and thanks to his entire TEAM !

Aspiring to give good coverage on all sectors of Logistics Services – including verticals which are the back bones of any kind industry! Would like to present a cutting-edge technology and information through a unique ePortal viz., by way of personal interviews, Live programs – on the latest happenings, topical subject matters and current issues confronted by the industry – in the most clear and specific manner.